Sunday, January 25, 2009

Weekly weigh in - Sunday January 25

Well, this week I slacked. I didnt drink as much water and didnt excercise as much. But, I didn't do too bad since my weight and my waist is still the same.

Here are this weeks pics:

Monday, January 19, 2009

Weekly weigh in - Sunday January 18

So, I've been doing the stairs at work at least once a day and have been using the Wii's My Fitness Coach every day. I seem to have more energy then I did before and I feel really good.
I am also watching what I eat and drinking plenty of water. This week I am down only 1lb. I am now weighing 155lbs. Also, I have lost 1/2" around my waist!
Here are my pics for this week:

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What I got today

So today I went and bought the My fitness Coach for the Wii. I set up my profile and did a 15 minute workout. That workout kicked my butt!! lol... I think that is one investment I am glad I made! I sweated a lot!

Yesterday at work a couple of people told me that I looked like I had lost weight! It made me feel so good! Hearing things like that motivates me more and pushes me to try harder and not quit. Also, I noticed that I have more energy than before. I am still drinking only water. I did have some soda (2 glasses) on Sunday and a little bit (1/2 glass) on Monday, but other than that, its been water!

I havent weighed myself since Sunday. Maybe Ill do it tomorrow.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Side by Side Comparison

Front view 1/6/09 & 1/11/09

Side view:

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday, January 11, Weekly Weigh In

Well, it's been a week since I first weighed in. I've been drinking nothing but water with my meals and have been eating less then what I was. Also my cravings have lessened and my snack intake is minimal.

Working at a hospital, my hours vary. The last couple nights I worked the graveyard shift and on my "lunch" break I walked the stairs. I work on the ground floor and walked up to the fourth floor and back down. 4 flights of stairs each way, so about 88 stairs each way. Took me about 5 minutes to do it, and my legs hurt after!

Well, onto the important part. I weighed myself this morning and I weighed in at 156lbs! I couldn't believe it, so I weighed in again and had someone check it for me and sure enough, I was at 156!

Here are my pictures for this week:

I just have to keep at it and I will be down to what I want!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I must be doing something right!

So I have steered clear of sodas and have limited my snack intake. I am drinking my 64oz of water a day and am walking for about 15 minutes a day.

Yesterday at work we had free In-N-Out. I got out at 10 pm so I went and picked mine up from the truck at that time. It was a burger and a bag of chips and a drink. I got a light lemonade, which someone else ended up drinking. When I got home, I only ate half of my burger and drank water. I finished the other half today for lunch.

I hadn't weighed myself since Sunday and decided to pull out the scale and see if there was any difference. Well, there was!!! To my surprise, I am now down 2.5lbs!! It's a start and I believe I can do it!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Start of a new year, now to become a better me

So here it is. I've finally have reached it. The most weight I have ever weighed that is. 10 years ago, before I got married or had kids, I weighed in at 98lbs. For my height of 4"11, that's ideal. I know I will never see that again, and honestly, I really don't want to.

Now, 10 years and 3 beautiful kids later, I am weighing 63lbs more than what I used to. Yup, I am now at 161lbs. I guess I must carry it well since people say I don't look like I weigh that much. Or my clothes cover it well. Either way, I know the fat is there and I am ready to shed it and be rid of it.

I am not doing any special diets or taking any special pills. I am going to try and do it the old fashion way. By drinking lots of water, watching what I eat and exercising. My biggest weaknest is soda. I love Pepsi and Dr. Pepper!!! I haven't had any since Saturday, so thats a start!

My hubby and in laws and I all have a bet going. To see who can lose the most weight. We weighed in on the Sunday January 4th and will weigh in every month on the 4th. Everyone pays in $5 and the winner will receive $20 for the month. Now I'm not really in it for the money, but that is a great incentive! Don't you think? haha

So we will be weighing in on the 4th, but me personally, I will weigh in every week. Probably every Sunday since that is when I weighed in last. I will most likely take pictures too to see if you can tell a difference or not.

With that being said, here is what I used to look like. This was in January/February of 1999 right after I had my first child, weighing in at 115lbs:

And here are my pictures for this week, almost 10 years later, weighing in at 161lbs:

Looking at my pictures, I realize that its really all in my belly. I look like what I looked like when I was pregnant. Sad.

So my ultimate goal is to get down to 125 or 130. So 31-36lbs to lose. I am not setting a date as to when I want to be down to that. I will be setting mini goals to see if I can actually lose any weight at all.

My first mini goal is to lose 11lbs and get down to 150lbs. Lets see how long it takes. I will update this every week with my current weight and a current picture. And anything else I can think of.

Wish me luck!!!!